[Swift]LeetCode637. 二叉树的层平均值 | Average of Levels in Binary Tree
阅读量:5077 次

本文共 13754 字,大约阅读时间需要 45 分钟。



Given a non-empty binary tree, return the average value of the nodes on each level in the form of an array.

Example 1:

Input:    3   / \  9  20    /  \   15   7Output: [3, 14.5, 11]Explanation:The average value of nodes on level 0 is 3,  on level 1 is 14.5, and on level 2 is 11. Hence return [3, 14.5, 11].


  1. The range of node's value is in the range of 32-bit signed integer.

给定一个非空二叉树, 返回一个由每层节点平均值组成的数组.

示例 1:

输入:    3   / \  9  20    /  \   15   7输出: [3, 14.5, 11]解释:第0层的平均值是 3,  第1层是 14.5, 第2层是 11. 因此返回 [3, 14.5, 11].


  1. 节点值的范围在32位有符号整数范围内。

Runtime: 60 ms
Memory Usage: 20.7 MB
1 /** 2  * Definition for a binary tree node. 3  * public class TreeNode { 4  *     public var val: Int 5  *     public var left: TreeNode? 6  *     public var right: TreeNode? 7  *     public init(_ val: Int) { 8  *         self.val = val 9  *         self.left = nil10  *         self.right = nil11  *     }12  * }13  */14 class Solution {15     func averageOfLevels(_ root: TreeNode?) -> [Double] {16         var res:[Double] = [Double]()17         var cnt:[Double] = [Double]()18         helper(root, 0, &cnt, &res)19         for i in 0..


1 /** 2  * Definition for a binary tree node. 3  * public class TreeNode { 4  *     public var val: Int 5  *     public var left: TreeNode? 6  *     public var right: TreeNode? 7  *     public init(_ val: Int) { 8  *         self.val = val 9  *         self.left = nil10  *         self.right = nil11  *     }12  * }13  */14 class Solution {15     func averageOfLevels(_ root: TreeNode?) -> [Double] {16         if root == nil {17             return [0]18         }19 20         var arrCur = [TreeNode]()21         arrCur.append(root!)22         var arrNext = [TreeNode]()23 24         var curSum = 0.025         var ans = [Double]()26         ans.append(Double(root!.val))27         while arrCur.count > 0 {28             let node = arrCur.remove(at: 0)29             if node.left != nil {30                 arrNext.append(node.left!)31                 curSum += Double(node.left!.val)32             }33 34             if node.right != nil {35                 arrNext.append(node.right!)36                 curSum += Double(node.right!.val)37             }38 39             if arrCur.count == 0 {40                 if arrNext.count > 0 {41                     ans.append(curSum/Double(arrNext.count))42                 }43                 arrCur = arrNext44                 arrNext.removeAll()45                 curSum = 046             }47         }48 49         return ans50     }51 }


1 /** 2  * Definition for a binary tree node. 3  * public class TreeNode { 4  *     public var val: Int 5  *     public var left: TreeNode? 6  *     public var right: TreeNode? 7  *     public init(_ val: Int) { 8  *         self.val = val 9  *         self.left = nil10  *         self.right = nil11  *     }12  * }13  */14 class Solution {15     func averageOfLevels(_ root: TreeNode?) -> [Double] {16         var stack = [TreeNode?]()17         stack.append(root)18         var sum = 0.019         var ans = [Double]()20         var counter = 0.021         while stack.count > 0 {22             let size = stack.count23             var tempStack = [TreeNode?]()24             sum = 0.025             for i in stride(from: size - 1, to: -1, by: -1) {26                 let node = stack[i]!27                 sum += Double(node.val)28                 if let left = node.left {29                     tempStack.append(left)30                 }31                 if let right = node.right {32                     tempStack.append(right)33                 }34             }35             stack.removeAll()36             ans.append(sum / Double(size))37             stack.append(contentsOf: tempStack)38         }        39         return ans40     }41 }


1 class Solution { 2     var queue: [TreeNode] = [] 3      4     func averageOfLevels(_ root: TreeNode?) -> [Double] { 5         var avg: [Double] = [] 6          7         guard let root = root else { 8             return avg 9         }10         11         push(node: root)12         var sum = 013         var count = 014         15         16         while queue.count > 0 {17             count = queue.count18             19             for _ in 0..
TreeNode {40 return queue.removeFirst()41 }42 43 func push(node: TreeNode) {44 queue.append(node)45 }46 }


1 /** 2  * Definition for a binary tree node. 3  * public class TreeNode { 4  *     public var val: Int 5  *     public var left: TreeNode? 6  *     public var right: TreeNode? 7  *     public init(_ val: Int) { 8  *         self.val = val 9  *         self.left = nil10  *         self.right = nil11  *     }12  * }13  */14 15 public struct Queue
{16 fileprivate var array = [T?]()17 fileprivate var head = 018 19 public var isEmpty: Bool {20 return count == 021 }22 23 public var count: Int {24 return array.count - head25 }26 27 public mutating func enqueue(_ element: T) {28 array.append(element)29 }30 31 public mutating func dequeue() -> T? {32 guard head < array.count, let element = array[head] else { return nil }33 34 array[head] = nil35 head += 136 37 let percentage = Double(head)/Double(array.count)38 if array.count > 50 && percentage > 0.25 {39 array.removeFirst(head)40 head = 041 }42 43 return element44 }45 46 public var front: T? {47 if isEmpty {48 return nil49 } else {50 return array[head]51 }52 }53 }54 55 56 class Solution {57 func averageOfLevels(_ root: TreeNode?) -> [Double] {58 var avgs: [Double] = []59 var frontier = Queue<(TreeNode, Int)>()60 var currentLevel = 061 62 if let current_node = root {63 frontier.enqueue((current_node, currentLevel))64 } else {65 return avgs66 }67 68 var levelSum = 0.069 var levelCount = 0.070 while true {71 if frontier.isEmpty {72 break73 }74 let newItem = frontier.dequeue()75 let newNode = newItem?.076 let newLevel = newItem?.177 if (newLevel != currentLevel) {78 avgs.append(levelSum / levelCount)79 currentLevel = newLevel!80 levelSum = 081 levelCount = 082 }83 84 levelCount += 185 levelSum += Double(newNode!.val)86 87 if let leftChild = newNode?.left {88 frontier.enqueue((leftChild, currentLevel + 1))89 }90 if let rightChild = newNode?.right {91 frontier.enqueue((rightChild, currentLevel + 1))92 }93 }94 avgs.append(levelSum / levelCount)95 return avgs96 }97 }


1 /** 2  * Definition for a binary tree node. 3  * public class TreeNode { 4  *     public var val: Int 5  *     public var left: TreeNode? 6  *     public var right: TreeNode? 7  *     public init(_ val: Int) { 8  *         self.val = val 9  *         self.left = nil10  *         self.right = nil11  *     }12  * }13  */14 class Solution {15     func averageOfLevels(_ root: TreeNode?) -> [Double] {16         guard let root = root else { return [] }17         18         var solution = [[Double]]()19         _averageOfLevels(root, &solution, 0)20         return solution.map { $0.reduce(0,+) / Double($0.count) }21     }22     23     func _averageOfLevels(_ root: TreeNode, _ solution: inout [[Double]], _ level: Int) {24         if solution.indices.contains(level) {25             var value = solution[level]26             value.append(Double(root.val))27             solution[level] = value28         } else {29             solution.append([Double(root.val)])30         }31         32         if let left = root.left { _averageOfLevels(left, &solution, level + 1) }33         if let right = root.right { _averageOfLevels(right, &solution, level + 1) }34     }35 }


1 /** 2  * Definition for a binary tree node. 3  * public class TreeNode { 4  *     public var val: Int 5  *     public var left: TreeNode? 6  *     public var right: TreeNode? 7  *     public init(_ val: Int) { 8  *         self.val = val 9  *         self.left = nil10  *         self.right = nil11  *     }12  * }13  */14 15 enum QueueElement {16     case node(TreeNode)17     case line18 }19 20 class Solution {21     func averageOfLevels(_ root: TreeNode?) -> [Double] {22         guard let rootNode = root else {23             return []24         }25         26         var result = [Double]()27         28         var lineNodeCount = 029         var sum: Double = 030         var queue = [QueueElement]()31         queue.append(.node(rootNode))32         queue.append(.line)33         while !queue.isEmpty {34             let ele = queue.removeFirst()35             switch ele {36             case let .node(n):37                 lineNodeCount += 138                 sum += Double(n.val)39                 40                 if n.left != nil {41                     queue.append(.node(n.left!))42                 }43                 44                 if n.right != nil {45                     queue.append(.node(n.right!))46                 }47             case .line:48                 if lineNodeCount > 0 {49                     result.append(sum / Double(lineNodeCount))50                     queue.append(.line)51                 }52                 53                 lineNodeCount = 054                 sum = 055             }56         }57         58         return result59     }60 }


/** * Definition for a binary tree node. * public class TreeNode { *     public var val: Int *     public var left: TreeNode? *     public var right: TreeNode? *     public init(_ val: Int) { *         self.val = val *         self.left = nil *         self.right = nil *     } * } */class Solution {func averageOfLevels(_ root: TreeNode?) -> [Double] {    var tree = [TreeNode]()    var res = [Double]()    guard let root = root else {        return res    }    tree.append(root)    var node = root    while !tree.isEmpty {        var level = 0.0        let count = tree.count        for _ in 0..


1 class Solution { 2  3 func averageOfLevels(_ root: TreeNode?) -> [Double] 4 { 5     guard let root = root else { return [] } 6     var dict = Dictionary
() 7 dict[0] = [Double(root.val)] 8 getDict(root, 1, &dict) 9 10 var results = [Double]()11 for key in dict.keys.sorted(by: <)12 {13 var sum: Double = 014 for n in dict[key]!15 {16 sum += n17 }18 results.append(sum/Double(dict[key]!.count))19 }20 return results21 }22 23 func getDict(_ root: TreeNode?, _ rows: Int, _ dict: inout [Int : [Double]])24 {25 guard let root = root else { return }26 27 if let left = root.left?.val28 {29 if let _ = dict[rows]30 {31 dict[rows]?.append(Double(left))32 }33 else34 {35 dict[rows] = [Double(left)]36 }37 }38 39 if let right = root.right?.val40 {41 if let _ = dict[rows]42 {43 dict[rows]?.append(Double(right))44 }45 else46 {47 dict[rows] = [Double(right)]48 }49 }50 getDict(root.left, rows+1, &dict)51 getDict(root.right, rows+1, &dict)52 }53 }


1 class Solution { 2     func averageOfLevels(_ root: TreeNode?) -> [Double] { 3         var result: [Double] = [] 4         var tmp: [TreeNode] = [] 5         var level = 0 6  7         tmp.append(root!) 8         while tmp.count != 0 { 9             var index = 010             let count = tmp.count11             var sum: Double = 012 13             while index < count {14                 sum += Double(tmp[index].val)15 16                 if tmp[index].left != nil {17                     tmp.append(tmp[index].left!)18                 }19                 if tmp[index].right != nil {20                     tmp.append(tmp[index].right!)21                 }22                 index += 123             }24 25             tmp.removeSubrange(tmp.startIndex..


1 class Solution { 2     func averageOfLevels(_ root: TreeNode?) -> [Double] 3     { 4              var dic:Dictionary
= Dictionary.init() 5 averageOfLevelsWithDic(&dic, root: root, level: 0) 6 7 let result3 = dic.sorted { (str1, str2) -> Bool in 8 return str1.0 < str2.0 9 }10 11 var arr:[Double] = []12 for value in result3 {13 arr.append(Double(value.value.reduce(0, +))/Double(value.value.count))14 } 15 return arr16 }17 18 19 func averageOfLevelsWithDic(_ dic:inout Dictionary
, root: TreeNode?,level:Int){20 if root != nil {21 var arr = dic[level]22 if arr == nil{23 arr = []24 }25 arr!.append(root!.val)26 dic[level] = arr27 averageOfLevelsWithDic(&dic, root: root?.left, level: level+1)28 averageOfLevelsWithDic(&dic, root: root?.right, level: level+1)29 }30 }31 }



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